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Ladies Camp

Ladies Camp

 A course designed to give women more confidence in their ability to survive difficult situations. How to make fire using a flint, building shelters, finding food and water. Survival kits, rescue and recovery. Weapons and much more. Although the group was very small we had a lot of fun. Got a little rained on,…

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Survival camp 10 – 12 August 2018

Survival camp 10 – 12 August 2018

The days before the camp were all hot and no one was prepared for the ice cold nights, (the water froze)and  we got very cold the first night. The second night was also very cold but we were better prepared. One doesn’t realize how quickly the temperature can change, and knowing a few simple survival facts…

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Kareekloof Farm – 2

Kareekloof Farm – 2

Our second camp out at Kareekloof farm, Lanseria. This time we explored different areas for survival. We went fishing down by the crocodile river which was only a 4km walk. Then we made bows and fletched arrows, made string from sisal plants and made bread over the fire. THEN, they built the most AWESOME shelter….

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Kareekloof Farm – 1

Kareekloof Farm – 1

Our first camp out at Kareekloof farm, Lanseria, what a privilege to be able to explore such an intact and cared for ecosystem. There were brown hyaena, jackal, caracal, porcupine, mongoose, kudu, duiker and you could hear zebra, wildebeest and even lions on the nearby farms. We went through the basics of survival and then…

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Magalies River Camp-out

Magalies River Camp-out

We slept in our base camp near the Magalies river. This time, we decided not to put up any tents and so, the Junior Rangers slept outdoors again. For this we had to fix up some nice warm shelters. On Saturday night it rained, putting our shelters to test. We were not really expecting it…

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